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Drying meat products with a heat pump is more suitable

Source: Time:2024-10-12 14:21:45 views:

Drying meat products with a heat pump is more suitable

There are many ways to dry meat products, including traditional air drying, natural air drying, coal-fired drying, electric heating drying, or air source heat pump drying. Relatively speaking, choosing a heat pump drying method is more suitable.
Drying meat products with a heat pump is more suitable
The advantages of a meat product heat pump dryer are energy saving, low operating costs, and good drying quality.
Drying meat products with a heat pump is more suitable
Meat product heat pump dryerCompared with traditional drying, heat pump dryers can save more energy. Due to their controllability, the temperature, humidity, and time of hot air circulation can be controlled, with an effective temperature of 30-80 ℃ and a relative humidity adjustment range of 8% to 80%. For meat products, such as fish and meat, drying is relatively gentle, close to natural drying, and the meat products evaporate quickly. The internal moisture is removed quickly, and the dried meat products have good quality, bright color, and high product grade. The cost-effectiveness of dried meat products is high.
