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What are the high nutritional components of natural drying and using a kelp dryer for kelp?

Source: Time:2024-10-23 08:09:26 views:

The drawbacks of traditional air drying:

  1. The area is large and requires a large drying field to meet the requirements of large-scale production;

  2. High labor intensity requires frequent flipping of materials under strong ultraviolet radiation, and more and more workers are no longer willing to engage in this job;

  3. Poor hygiene conditions prevent the breeding of flies, and some processing workshops have poor quality. By spraying pesticides to reduce pests, food safety cannot be guaranteed;

  4. Temperature and humidity are difficult to control, and the uniformity, color, and appearance of product quality cannot be guaranteed.

  5. With the increase of labor costs, the cost of this drying method is getting higher and higher, and some varieties far exceed the cost of mechanical drying.

  Seaweed dryerAdvantages:
  Seaweed dryerLow temperature drying of kelp to reduce nutrient loss and save energy is the starting point and main advantage of the initial application of kelp dryer. The efficiency of traditional dryers is low. The kelp dryer absorbs the hot and humid air generated during the drying process and the heat in the surrounding air, greatly improving the energy efficiency of the unit, saving a lot of energy, and greatly reducing the operating costs of the company.
