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To dry noodles, use a noodle dryer

Source: Time:2024-09-21 08:13:01 views:

Traditional noodle drying often uses natural drying, which means hanging wet noodles on a hanging pole and letting them air dry naturally in areas or seasons with warm weather (temperature not lower than 20 ℃) and relative humidity of 60% to 80%. Due to the long drying time, the product has good quality and is less prone to pastry, and the cost is high. Therefore, an energy-saving noodle dryer has been launched, which adopts air source heat pump technology and our company's independently developed waste heat recovery and dehumidification technology, effectively solving a series of problems such as long time cycle, low heat exchange efficiency, high energy consumption, and poor drying quality in traditional noodle drying.

The current drying process for noodles is generally divided into three categories, namely:
High temperature rapid drying method: This method is a traditional technique in China, with a drying temperature of around 50 ℃, a distance of 25-30 meters, and a time of about 2-2.5 hours. It has the advantages of small investment and fast drying. The disadvantages are difficulty in controlling temperature and humidity, unstable product quality, and the tendency to produce crispy noodles, which have gradually been replaced by other methods.
Low temperature slow drying method: It is a noodle drying method introduced from Japan in the 1980s. The drying temperature does not exceed 35 ℃, the distance is about 400 meters, and the time is up to 7-8 hours. The characteristic of this method is to imitate natural drying, with stable production and reliable product quality. The shortcomings include high investment, high drying costs, and complicated maintenance, making it only suitable for use in some large and medium-sized factories.
Medium temperature and medium speed drying method: In response to the advantages and disadvantages of high temperature rapid method and low temperature slow speed method, a heat pump drying and dehumidification integrated machine is used to control the drying temperature and humidity relatively well. The dried noodles will not produce crispy noodles, and the boiled water will not be turbid, making it practical and powerful. The noodle dryer fully simulates natural drying and has the characteristics of low investment, low energy consumption, high production efficiency, and good product quality. It has been promoted in China.

Noodle dryer&dash& mdash; Advantages and Characteristics of Heat Pump Drying and Dehumidification Integrated Machine
1. Using a heat pump to dry the dough strip results in low energy consumption during the drying process, effectively reducing operating costs.
2. The drying process has good ventilation, uniform heating, imitates natural drying, and stable production.
3. The drying process is safe and reliable, with no risk of overheating or combustion.
4. Automatic temperature and humidity control with high accuracy. Effectively avoiding the phenomenon of non drying or excessive drying caused by manual operation, reducing labor intensity, and decreasing operating costs.
5. No need to burn coal, no pollution, green and environmentally friendly.
