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What are the drying processes of yellow cabbage dryer

Source: Time:2024-09-21 08:12:48 views:

 Drying process of yellow cabbage dryerWhat are there

Huangcai, also known as Golden Needle Vegetable, Lemon Hemerocallis, Forget Worry Grass, belongs to the Liliales order and the Liliaceae family. It is a perennial herbaceous plant with fleshy roots and often has spindle shaped swelling in the middle and lower parts. The stem of the flower varies in length, with shorter flower stalks and multiple flowers. The flower coat is light yellow, orange red, and black purple; The capsule is blunt triangular oval shaped, with a flowering and fruiting period from May to September.
Yellow flowered vegetable dryerWhat are the drying processes
Drying process steps: picking
When picking fresh yellow flowers, it is advisable to pick them before the flowers bloom. The optimal picking time is from 6:00 to 10:00 every day. When picking, pay attention to breaking directly from the lower rhizome of the flower to preserve the integrity of the entire flower.
What are the drying processes of yellow cabbage dryer
Drying process second step: alkali removal
The freshly picked yellow flowers contain colchicine, which is oxidized into colchicine after entering the human body. This is a highly toxic substance that can strongly stimulate the gastrointestinal and respiratory systems. So before drying, yellow cauliflower needs to be steamed at high temperature to remove the narcissus alkaloids.
What are the drying processes of yellow cabbage dryer
Step 3 of the drying process: Spread the high-temperature steamed yellow cabbage evenly in the material cart, paying attention to uniform thickness, with each layer not exceeding 3CM.
Step 4 of Drying Process: Push into the Drying Room for Intelligent Drying
Push the material cart with arranged yellow cauliflower into the drying room, set the drying time period, temperature, and moisture discharge, and start the equipment for drying.
Step 5 of Drying Process: Complete the drying process, and the golden yellow cauliflower is dried
