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  • Textile and clothing box type integrated dryer (click to enter)
Textile and clothing box type integrated dryer (click to enter)

Category:Box type heat pump dryer

  • 售后QQ: 點(diǎn)擊這里給我發(fā)消息
  • 售后QQ: 點(diǎn)擊這里給我發(fā)消息

Air source dryer is a type of box dryer that uses a closed heat pump device. In recent years, it has been applied to the drying processing and experimentation of edible mushrooms such as shiitake mushrooms and black fungus. The structure of this machine is simple, and the heat pump device is installed on one side of the box. After removing the necessary air duct, the remaining space is used to place layered trays. The materials to be dried are evenly spread on the trays.

  & nbsp; & nbsp; Made entirely of stainless steel body, from sheet metal to screws, crafted with care, enduring wind and rainfifteenThe year remains unchanged, the longer you use it, the more you save money.

  & nbsp; & nbsp;& nbsp;All titanium heat exchange fins greatly improve the efficiency of condensation and evaporation heat transfer, adapt to various end environments, and extend the service life.

  & nbsp; & nbsp; Fully enclosed stainless steel electrical control box that is waterproof, moisture-proof, and shockproof, protecting the drying brain-Core control chips and components.

  & nbsp; & nbsp;& nbsp;An air energy application product that uses both a fully stainless steel body structure and titanium heat exchange fins.

The working principle of energy-saving is as follows:

The circulating fan drives the air to circulate back and forth in the box according to the direction guided by the air duct. The heat pump device first absorbs heat from the air through its evaporator, causing the temperature of the air to quickly drop below the dew point temperature. At this point, water vapor in the air condenses and precipitates (the precipitated dew is removed from the box). Then, the heat extracted from the air is used to heat the dehydrated dry cold air, causing the air to heat up and the relative humidity to significantly decrease, becoming a dry hot air with strong moisture carrying capacity. Subsequently, the dry hot air is guided uniformly through the material to be dried, and when it flows through the dry material, it exchanges heat and balances with the moisture in the material. The water molecules in the material absorb the heat energy in the air, quickly escape from the material and are carried out by the airflow, thus drying the material. The air that takes away the moisture from the material to be dried enters the heat pump device again for dehydration and heating, starting a cycle. The air circulates continuously, and the materials dry continuously until they meet the requirements of composite production.

