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  • Wood carbonization equipment (click to enter)
Wood carbonization equipment (click to enter)

Category:Wood carbonization equipment series

  • 售后QQ: 點(diǎn)擊這里給我發(fā)消息
  • 售后QQ: 點(diǎn)擊這里給我發(fā)消息
In the temperature range of 200-250 degrees, the wood fiber molecules gradually change from a cylindrical structure to a network crystal atomic structure, and the proportion of change is determined by the temperature and time, making the wood between wood and charcoal. Production enterprises determine the ratio of wood to charcoal based on their respective uses. Outdoor materials are generally carbonized, divided into mild, moderate, and deep. Mild, generally on the surface, adjust color difference treatment for styling; Moderate carbonization is suitable for outdoor wood products and has strong adaptability to the environment; Deep carbonization has limited application in wooden products due to its fragility, low strength, poor adhesion, and difficulty in contacting soil and water. Advantages: High stability, no color difference, anti-corrosion, environmentally friendly, degreasing and reprocessing.