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  • Redwood wax injection machine (click to enter)
Redwood wax injection machine (click to enter)

Category:Redwood wax injection machine

  • 售后QQ: 點(diǎn)擊這里給我發(fā)消息
  • 售后QQ: 點(diǎn)擊這里給我發(fā)消息

The wax injection equipment completely solves the problem of leaving no expansion joints after making furniture from wax injection boards. The mortise and tenon structure can be firmly bonded using existing glue. Furniture is not afraid of hot water on the surface after being made. Furniture that has been coated with regular wax needs to be heated to prevent watermarks. The loss of wax from the original wood is minimal. Wood has increased its mechanical properties, with little reduction in its original toughness. The use of nano polymer synthetic raw materials has a short infiltration time and the wax immersion process only takes about ten hours. During the processing, the volatilization of raw materials is minimal, reducing waste. Safe and environmentally friendly.
