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Reasons for various problems of coal slurry dryer

Source: Time:2024-08-29 14:25:51 views:

Reasons for various problems of coal slurry dryer

1. The lifespan of internal vulnerable parts is short.

Reason: Poor selection of internal materials and cutting corners can lead to easier component damage and shorter service life.

2. The uneven dryness and wetness of the material make it impossible for the rod to function properly.

Reason: ① Improper operation of the dryer.

  & nbsp; & nbsp;② Raw materials form clusters.

3. After drying the materials, the dryer manufacturer must ensure that the moisture content exceeds the required specified value.

Reason: Adding materials based on production capacity, but not enough heat to match it.

Exclusion method: Increase the temperature of the furnace and reduce the amount of feed.

4. The final moisture content of the material dried by the dryer is less than the specified value.

Reason: Excessive heat supply or insufficient feeding of wet materials.

Solution: Strengthen the feeding quantity of wet materials and reduce the supply of oil, gas, or coal.

5. The lower sliding material basin and air inlet duct are prone to blockage.

Reason: The matching furnace type is not suitable, and a high-temperature boiling furnace can be used to change the air inlet method.

6. During use, the sliding basin on the upper part of the mining dryer is prone to blockage.

Reason: ① High initial moisture content

  & nbsp; & nbsp;② The material has high viscosity

  & nbsp; & nbsp;③ The arrangement of secondary air ducts is unreasonable.

7. The separator is too small.

Solution: Replace or modify the separator.
