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Coal slurry dryer, introduction to coal slurry drying methods

Source: Time:2024-10-29 07:52:23 views:

The process of drying coal slurry moisture in a coal slurry dryer mainly involves the material being transported by a belt conveyor or bucket elevator to the hopper, and then entering the feeding end through the feeding pipeline through the feeding machine of the hopper. The slope of the feeding pipeline should be greater than the natural inclination angle of the material, so that the material can flow smoothly into the energy-saving coal slurry dryer.

  & nbsp; The process of drying coal slurry moisture in a coal slurry dryer mainly involves the material being transported by a belt conveyor or bucket elevator to the hopper, and then entering the feeding end through the feeding pipeline through the feeding machine of the hopper. The slope of the feeding pipeline should be greater than the natural inclination angle of the material, so that the material can flow smoothly into the energy-saving coal slurry dryer. The dryer cylinder is a rotating cylinder slightly inclined from the horizontal line. The material is added from the higher end, and the heat carrier enters from the lower end, coming into counter current contact with the material. There are also cases where the heat carrier and the material flow together into the cylinder. As the cylinder rotates, the material moves to the lower end under the action of gravity. During the forward movement of the wet material inside the cylinder, it directly or indirectly receives heat from the heat carrier, allowing the wet material to dry, and then is sent out through a belt conveyor or screw conveyor at the discharge end.

  & nbsp; & nbsp; During the mining process, coal is washed and stored in the open air. Some of the coal is washed away by water and forms coal slurry through sedimentation, resulting in the loss of coal sources. Similarly, the difficulty of recycling and reusing these coal slurry is high. The research and production of energy-saving coal slurry dryers is an effective way to recycle and utilize coal slurry. If coal slurry contains moisture, it will reduce the utilization value of coal and is also very difficult for transportation and management. Therefore, special processes and equipment are required to remove the water from coal slurry.

  & nbsp; & nbsp; Coal slurry is a block like material with high moisture content, high viscosity, and easy to bond into clumps. Traditional drying methods do not target the characteristics of coal slurry, making it difficult to dry, difficult to control, and prone to catching fire. The dried product is uneven in dryness and wetness or wet inside the skin, and the drying cost is high. It is also not environmentally friendly and not suitable for drying coal slurry.

  & nbsp; & nbsp; The coal slurry dryer evenly distributes hot air into the dryer through an automatic hot air distributor, which prevents excessive temperature concentration and maintains suitable temperature operation. It is safe, reliable, low-energy consumption, high-yield, environmentally friendly, and is an ideal equipment for coal slurry drying.
