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What operations should a wood dryer perform before drying materials?

Source: Time:2024-11-11 09:05:56 views:

Today, the editor will give you a brief introductionWood dryerAt the beginning of the drying process, the following operations must be carried out:;
1. Need to close the inlet and exhaust pipes of the wood dryer& nbsp;
2. Start upWood dryerWhen there are multiple fans for reversible cycle drying, each fan should be started one by one, and multiple fans should not be started at the same time to avoid circuit overload& nbsp;
  What operations should a wood dryer perform before drying materials?
3. Open itWood dryerThe valve of the bypass pipe of the steam trap is slowly opened, and the heater is slowly opened to gradually heat up the heating system while removing air, water, and rust from the pipeline. When a large amount of steam is sprayed out from the bypass pipe, the valve of the bypass pipe is closed and the valve of the steam trap is opened to make the steam trap work normally. During the implementation of the drying process, wood should be preheated in the early stages of drying; During the middle stage of drying, intermediate treatment should be carried out on the wood; In the later stage of drying, the wood should be balanced and treated with finishing treatment& nbsp;