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  • Stand up wooden veneer dryer
Stand up wooden veneer dryer

Category:Wood veneer dryer

  • 售后QQ: 點(diǎn)擊這里給我發(fā)消息
  • 售后QQ: 點(diǎn)擊這里給我發(fā)消息

The veneer drying equipment reduces the boiling point of water and accelerates the evaporation rate under vacuum conditions, thereby accelerating the drying speed of wood at lower temperatures. During the drying process of wood chips, on one hand, surface moisture evaporates into the surrounding air; On the other hand, the internal moisture continuously moves towards the surface. So to speed up the drying process, it is necessary to find ways to increase the movement speed of moisture inside the wood and shorten the drying time. Automatic drainage, automatic heating of wood chips both inside and outside, uniform heating, good quality, can maintain the natural color of wood chips, drying negative pressure and water absorption reduce the temperature of wood chip drying process, making wood vaporize at low temperature, less prone to cracking, and improving the dehydration speed of wood chips. Saturated wet steam can quickly make the surface temperature and internal humidity of wood chips consistent, thereby achieving the goal of drying both the inside and outside of the wood chips simultaneously. The wood chip dryer solves the problems of internal cracking, end cracking, deformation and other defects that occur during the drying process, greatly improving the yield of wood chips.

  & nbsp; & nbsp; 1. The fuel required for combustion includes wood chips, crushed wood, coal, air energy, etc.

  & nbsp; & nbsp;& nbsp;2. Use a functional steam generation device.

  & nbsp; & nbsp; 3. Dried wood chips have a short drying cycle, low cost, uniform drying, and good effect.

  & nbsp; & nbsp; 4.   The overall equipment is easy to operate, safe and reliable.

  & nbsp; & nbsp; 5. This equipment is suitable for drying various types of wood chips and is used by furniture and woodworking factories.

  & nbsp; & nbsp; 6. Good drying effect, with a yield rate of over 99%, and the moisture content of the dried wood veneer can meet the requirements.

  & nbsp; & nbsp;& nbsp;The setting of the hot air recovery system accelerates the operation speed of the airflow in the drying room, increases the drying time, and improves the utilization of heat energy.

  & nbsp; & nbsp;& nbsp;8. The combustion chamber and drying room are completely separated and operated separately, with clean hot air leading to the drying room.

  & nbsp; & nbsp; 9. Low operating costs, wide range of fuels, and the use of wood scraps such as shavings and sawdust, as well as coal.
