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Mesh belt dryer, Anqiu

Mesh belt dryer, Anqiu


The DW series continuous belt dryer is suitable for drying sheet, strip, and granular materials with good breathability, and has unique advantages for materials that require low drying temperature and long drying time. This series of dryers has the advantages of fast drying speed, high evaporation intensity, and good product quality.

According to different materials, the dryer can be designed as follows:

1. Mesh belt type, mesh chain type, mesh plate type;

2. Single level, two-level, multi-level types;

3. Single layer, double layer, and multi-layer types;

4. Parallel flow type, counter flow type, mixed flow type;

5. Single way emission type, multiple cycle type, etc.


▲ Easy adjustment of drying parameters, high operational flexibility, and wide adaptability;

▲ The material is evenly dried and has good consistency;

▲ Large processing capacity and wide adjustable range of drying time;

▲ Easy installation and maintenance.

Adapt to materials

Dehydrated vegetables, pellet feed, monosodium glutamate, organic pigments, synthetic rubber, fibers, pharmaceuticals, medicinal herbs, small wood products, various agricultural and sideline products processing, etc.
